Based on the definitions of MBO its features can listed out as follows:
- MBO is an approach and philosophy to management and not merely a technique. It is likely to affect every management practice in the organisation. It employs several techniques but it is not merely the sum total of all these techniques. Thus it is a particular way of thinking about management.
- MBO provides the stimulus for the introductions of new techniques of management and enhances the relevance and utility of the existing ones.
- MBO is the joint application of a number of principles and techniques, and works as integrating device.
- The basic emphasis of MBO is an objectives, it tries to match objectives and resources.
- This process clarifies the role very sharply in terms of what one is expected to achieve.
- Periodic review of performance is an important feature of MBO.
- Objectives in MBO provide guidelines for appropriate systems and procedures for instance resource allocation, delegation of authority etc., are determined on the basis of objectives.