Some of the prerequisites for installing of MBO programme are:
1. Purpose of MBO shoould be clearly defined.
2. Top management support for using objectives to plan and control is essential.
3. Systematic traing is required in the organisation for disseminating the concepts and philosophy underlying MBO.
4. Success with MBO requires a commitment on the past of each individual involved in this type of system.
5. Feedback is an essential ingredient in sustained learning and improvement in situations.
6. It must be carried all way down to the first line of the organization.
1. Purpose of MBO shoould be clearly defined.
2. Top management support for using objectives to plan and control is essential.
3. Systematic traing is required in the organisation for disseminating the concepts and philosophy underlying MBO.
4. Success with MBO requires a commitment on the past of each individual involved in this type of system.
5. Feedback is an essential ingredient in sustained learning and improvement in situations.
6. It must be carried all way down to the first line of the organization.